OSI Model

OSI Model
OSI Model - CCNA training in Chandigarh
Firstly, we are discussing about,What is OSI model in CCNA Networking. To deeply know about this model you have to learn CCNA training in Chandigarh. They will help you to understand purpose of CCNA and how we work on it and how it help us in networking module.

What is OSI Model?
The Open Systems Interconnection model (OSI model) is relating to model that  present and regulate the communication functions of a computing system without respect to their underlie internal formation and technology.

Layers model is a abstract approach. It explain how data is going to be transmit over the network. There are different models are existing, from these models only three are most important and mainly used models in CCNA networking exam.

Today we discuss about OSI Model's Seven layers:-
In OSI there are seven layers,in this article, we are OSI model Layers:-
  • Application
  • Presentation
  • Session
  • Transport
  • Network
  • Data Link
  • Physical
Physical Layer:-
                         This layer is the lowest and starting layer in osi model,is related with the transmission and reception of raw signal over a physical medium. It describes the electrical, mechanical interfaces to the physical medium and send the signals for all of the higher layers.
It is used to modify the binary signals into characterized foams and send them to the other layers,and to aid in bit and frame synchronization.

Data Link Layers:-
                                 Data link layers is used to link transfer error free signals bits and frames from one node to another node , which is received from physical layers.

Network Layer:-
                            This layers is working as a path provider, it decided which path to be suitable for the present signal and then sending that signal to the suitable channel.         

Transport Layer:-
                             This layer assure that the data transmitting in channels are in sequence and also error free signals and with no loss and overlapping.    
Session Layer :-
                         The session layer establishment,termination process running in different layers. It allows processes on different machines to establish and end a running connection.
Presentation Layers:-
                                        This layer used to translate the data format which is used by application layers for sending them to the stations.It work as a translator for the network. this translate data from a format which is used by application layer into a  ordinary format at the sending station.

Application Layers:-
                                    This is a highest layer in OSI model,which is work as window of user. Id manage the networks and remote file access

Purpose of OSI model
OSI model presents a structured set of seven layers interconnecting as a stack.
  • It Creating a platform for software developer and hardware manufacture.
  • To help network administrators to divide large data into small frames, these small frames are easy to understand and troubleshoot.
In OSI model, Layers are plays most important role in data transmission and receiving purpose. So,you have to know brief knowledge about networking Layers. If you want to know more about different layers of OSI model and what exactly these layers and how they work, then join CCNA training in Chandigarh which provides a best training program and also provide a expertize trainer for this course.



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