


Addressing are the way which use to define the source and destination.And it is in two formats:

1. Decimal -: In decimal, we use number (0 - 9) eg. phone number (9914641983)

2. Hexadecimal -: In hexadecimal, we use number with the alphabet (0 - 9 and a to f) eg. Chandigarh because it is divided into sector eg. 34A,34B,34c .

Type of Addressing:

Two type of addressing:

1 Physical address :- Mac address
2 Logical address :- IP address
1. Physical address
Name of physical (mac address,hardware address,layer 2 address)
Mac (media access control) is 48 bit long.And it is divided into 6 part.And each part has 8 bit.Mac is in hexadecimal format eg.(00-1a-2b-90-5c-45).

Mac devices:- bridge, switch, LAN card
How we check the mac address of PC.We use command to check the mac address of PC
Command :- GETMAC

Mac is divided into two part. (1) primary part ( 2) secondary part.
In primary part, Ist 24 bit is reserved by IEEE. And secondary part next 24 bit is reserve for Vander
2. Logical address
The logical address is called IP address.and IP is in 3 version:

1. Ip version 4
2. Ip version 5
3. IP version 6

Ip version 4:
    It is 32 bit long.And it is divided into 4 part and each part has 8-bit value.We use (.)dot to differ one part to another part eg. ( IP version 4 is in decimal format.Ip perform the function of the network layer of OSI model.IP version 4 perform the function of b/c (broadcasting) m/c (multicasting) u/c (unicasting).
Ip version 4 is divided into 5 classes
Class a
Class b
Class c
Class d
Class e

Ip version 5:
     It is 72 bit long.And it is divided into 9 part and it is in hexadecimal format eg. 12-2d-4a-00-1f-34-e1-67-7a

Ip version 6:

   It is 128 bit long.And it is divided into 8 part and we use (:) colon to differ one part to another part eg. 2000:1234:e23a:67a2:543d:fe34:1234:a234 ipv6 is in hexadecimal format.In ipv6 we use the concept of a nibble (and 4 bit 1 nibble). No concept of classes in ipv6. Ipv6 does not perform broadcasting.It perform multicasting and unicasting and anycasting


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